
Bugs Beyond Imagination: Journey into the Realm of Exotic Insects

The Fascinating Lifespan of a Mantid: All You Need to Know




what is the lifespan of a mantid


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Mantids are fascinating creatures that have intrigued scientists and nature enthusiasts alike for centuries. With their unique appearance, predatory behavior, and seemingly otherworldly movements, it’s no wonder that many people are curious about the lifespan of these insects. After all, understanding how long a mantid lives can give us insight into its life cycle and behavior.

In this article, we’ll explore the different factors that impact the lifespan of a mantid. Many variables are at play regarding how long these insects live, from environmental conditions to mating habits.

Whether you’re a scientist studying these fascinating creatures or simply someone who is interested in learning more about them, read on to discover everything you need to know about the lifespan of a mantid.

What Is A Mantid?

Mantids are a type of insect that belongs to the order Mantodea. They are known for their unique physical characteristics, such as their elongated body, triangular head, and long legs with spines.

Their life cycle includes three stages: egg, nymph, and adult. The female mantis lays an ootheca (egg case) containing numerous eggs. Once the eggs hatch, the young nymphs emerge and begin to molt as they grow into adults.

Mantids are fascinating creatures to observe in nature due to their hunting behavior and ability to camouflage themselves within their environment. Some species of mantids have even been known to exhibit cannibalism towards their own kind or other insects.

Overall, mantids play an important role in pest control by feeding on other insects that can damage crops or gardens. In captivity, they can live up to several months depending on various factors such as proper care and habitat conditions.

The Lifespan of a Mantid

The lifespan of a mantid can vary depending on several factors, such as temperature, humidity, food availability, predators, parasites, and genetic factors. Typically, a praying mantis will live for about one year in the wild.

The life cycle of a mantis

Egg Stage

The life cycle of a mantid begins with the egg stage, which typically lasts between 3-6 months. Female mantids lay their eggs in a protective case known as an ootheca, which may contain anywhere from a few dozen to several hundred eggs, depending on the species. Once the eggs inside the ootheca have fully developed, they hatch into tiny nymphs.

Nymph Stage

Multiple molts mark this stage as the nymph sheds its exoskeleton and grows larger with each stage. The length of a mantid’s nymph stage varies depending on the species and environmental factors such as temperature and humidity. For example, a Chinese Mantis will spend approximately 5-6 weeks in the nymph stage, while a European Mantis can take up to 4 months before reaching adulthood.

Adult Stage

Once the mantid reaches adulthood, it will generally live for several months to a year, depending on the species and environmental factors. During this stage, the mantid’s sole focus is mating and reproducing.

In captivity, the lifespan of a praying mantis can be extended by providing them with proper care and nutrition since their needs are taken care of consistently. A female mantis can lay hundreds of eggs during her lifetime, eventually hatching into nymphs if conditions remain favorable.

Overall, knowing the different factors that affect the lifespan of different species is important for pet owners who choose to keep these fascinating insects at home so they can provide them with optimal living conditions while keeping them safe from pests like spiders or lizards that may prey on them in nature.

What Affects the Lifespan of a Mantid?

The lifespan of a mantid varies depending on various factors. The average lifespan of a praying mantis is usually around 6 months to 1 year, but it can be as short as a few weeks or as long as several years in larger species.

Food availability is one of the most significant factors affecting mantids’ lifespan. Predators like birds, lizards, and spiders also pose a threat to the lives of mantids throughout their life cycle. Parasites often afflict these insects, which leads them to death.

These are just some examples highlighting how various factors can affect the lifespan of different types/ages/stages/species within this fascinating insect family! Let’s go through the different factors.


Temperature plays a crucial role in the lifespan of a mantid. Praying mantises are cold-blooded insects, meaning that their body temperature is dependent on the environment around them. They cannot regulate their body temperature on their own.

During the nymph stage, mantids require warmer temperatures to develop properly and molt successfully. Adult mantids can tolerate cooler temperatures but they still need warmth for optimal health and reproduction. Exposure to extremely high or low temperatures can be fatal to a mantid.

In general, praying mantises thrive in warm environments with temperatures between 75-85°F (24-29°C) during the day and 65-75°F (18-24°C) at night. If you’re keeping pet mantids, it’s important to provide them with appropriate heating elements such as heat lamps or under-tank heaters to maintain these optimal temperature ranges.

Now that we’ve covered the importance of proper temperature for maintaining a healthy lifespan for your pet praying mantis, let’s take a look at how humidity levels can also impact their longevity.


Humidity can also have a significant impact on the lifespan of a mantid. In general, mantids prefer moderate to high humidity levels, as they require moisture for proper molting and hydration. Also, low humidity levels can make it difficult for them to properly shed their exoskeleton.

However, too much humidity can also be detrimental to their health. Excessive moisture can lead to mold and bacterial growth in their enclosure, which can cause respiratory issues or infections in the mantid.

To maintain optimal humidity levels for your pet mantid, you should provide a water source (such as a small dish of water or misting the enclosure) and monitor the moisture level using a hygrometer. Different species may have slightly different preferences when it comes to humidity levels, so it is important to research your specific type of mantid and adjust accordingly.

Now that we’ve covered how temperature and humidity affect the lifespan of a mantid let’s take a look at another factor – food availability.

Food Availability

The lifespan of a mantid can be affected by various factors, including food availability. Mantids are carnivorous insects and rely on a diet of live prey to survive. Without enough food, their lifespans may be shorter than usual.

In the wild, mantids hunt for food and may not always find enough prey to sustain themselves. This is especially true for nymphs, who are smaller and less experienced hunters. Failing to find enough food can result in stunted growth or even death.

However, in captivity, keeping your pet mantid well-fed with live prey can help increase its lifespan. It’s recommended to feed your mantid twice a week at least, but it depends on the species and age of the mantis.

Some larger species, such as the Chinese Mantis or Giant Asian Mantis, might require more frequent feeding than smaller ones, like Ghost Mantis or Violin Mantis. On the other hand, overfeeding should also be avoided as it could lead to obesity or premature death.

To ensure that your pet mantis has plenty of food sources available, you can start breeding insects such as crickets or roaches yourself, too which is more cost-effective rather than buying them from stores regularly.

Now that we’ve covered the importance of food availability let’s take a look at how predators affect the lifespan of a mantid.


As with any insect, mantids have their share of predators. Birds, lizards, and spiders are all known to prey on mantids. However, mantids have developed some defense mechanisms to avoid being eaten. For example, some species of mantids can blend in with their surroundings using camouflage to hide from predators.

Mantids also practice cannibalism, which also plays a role in the survival rate. Female mantises often eat the male after mating – sometimes even before they finish reproducing- which might be necessary for future hatchlings’ growth and development.

In captivity or as a pest control method in gardens or greenhouses, other factors may play an important role when it comes to predator interaction and population control.

Mantid nymphs, who resemble small versions of adult mantises but lack fully hardened exoskeletons, may serve food for larger species around them before molting into their mature form.

Although there are many potential threats facing the lifespan of a praying mantis – including predation by larger animals at every stage of its life cycle from egg case through adulthood – most healthy individuals will live about 6 months to one year on average under optimal conditions without any major external intervention like getting caught by predators or parasites.


Parasites can significantly affect the lifespan of a mantid. There are various types of parasites that can infect mantids, including mites, flies, and nematodes. These parasites typically lay their eggs on or inside the mantid’s body, which then hatch and feed on its internal tissues.

Infected mantids may exhibit symptoms such as lethargy, loss of appetite, and abnormal behavior. In severe cases, the infection can lead to death. Preventing parasitic infections in mantids requires regular cleaning of their enclosure and providing them with a healthy diet.

Additionally, some species of mantids have evolved defenses against parasites. For example, female Chinese mantises will often deposit an ootheca (egg case) containing unfertilized eggs to attract parasitic flies away from her developing offspring.

Overall, while parasites do pose a threat to the lifespan of a praying mantis or other insect species kept in captivity or living in nature – maintaining proper hygiene and feeding practices can help reduce this risk considerably while prolonging their lifespan marginally.

Genetic Factors

The lifespan of a mantid can be influenced by genetic factors, as certain species are known to have longer lifespans than others. For example, the Chinese Mantis (Tenodera sinensis) has been reported to live up to 1 year in the wild, while some larger species like the Giant Asian Mantis (Hierodula membranacea) may only live for a few months.

Another factor that can affect lifespan is reproductive behavior. In some species, female mantids cannibalize their mate after mating, reducing the male’s lifespan significantly. Additionally, females may lay fewer eggs if they are not well-fed or have poor environmental conditions.

It’s also worth noting that different life stages in the mantis life cycle can impact its overall lifespan. Nymphs may not survive long due to predation or lack of food availability, while adult mantids may face competition from predators or other insects.

Overall, while genetic factors do play a role in determining the lifespan of a mantid, it is just one of several factors that contribute to how long these fascinating insects live.

The lifespan of mantids in captivity

Mantids are fascinating insects, and keeping them as pets has become increasingly popular. In captivity, the lifespan of a mantid can be significantly longer than in the wild.

The lifespan of a mantid is influenced by several factors, including temperature, humidity, diet, and overall care. Proper care can help increase their longevity, while poor care can decrease it.

Some larger species, such as the Chinese Mantis (Tenodera sinensis) or Giant Asian Mantis (Hierodula membranacea) can live up to a year in captivity while smaller species, like the Ghost Mantis (Phyllocrania paradoxa) typically have shorter lifespans of around 6 months.

To ensure your pet mantis lives a long and healthy life in captivity, it’s important to provide them with adequate space to move around freely and molt comfortably. A proper diet is also crucial for their health – they should be fed live prey, such as crickets or flies, multiple times per week, depending on their size.

While cannibalism is common among female mantids in the wild during mating season, it’s best to keep individual mantids housed separately when kept as pets to avoid any potential harm or stress.

By providing appropriate care and creating an environment that mimics their natural habitat, you can enjoy your pet praying mantis for many months to come!

Lifespan benefits of keeping mantids as pets

Mantids are fascinating insects and make great pets for those who love observing insects up close. One of the benefits of keeping mantids as pets is that they have a relatively long lifespan compared to other insect species. Mantids can live anywhere from several months to over a year in captivity, depending on the species.

Not only do mantids have a longer lifespan than many other insects, but they also have interesting behaviors and characteristics that make them great pets. For example, female mantids are known for their cannibalistic tendencies, which can be entertaining and educational.

In addition, watching a praying mantis hatch from its egg case (ootheca) and grow through its nymph stages is an amazing experience. Mantid nymphs molt multiple times as they grow and shed their exoskeletons, hardening into larger versions of themselves each time.

Overall, keeping mantids as pets provides an opportunity to observe these incredible creatures up close while enjoying their unique behaviors and characteristics. However, it’s important to note that certain species may require specific care or diet requirements to thrive in captivity.

Factors influencing mantid lifespan in captivity

The lifespan of a mantid in captivity is highly dependent on several factors. First and foremost, the type of mantis species you have will determine its longevity. Generally, larger species, such as the Giant Asian Mantis, tend to live longer than smaller species, like the Dead Leaf Mantis.

Another crucial factor that contributes to a mantis’s lifespan is its diet and environment. Feeding your mantis regularly with a proper diet can significantly increase its lifespan. Ensure that their living space is clean and well-maintained since an unclean environment can introduce bacteria and disease.

Interestingly enough, female mantids tend to live longer than males due to their ability to produce ootheca (egg cases). Once females mate and lay eggs, they gradually decrease their physical activity, increasing their chances of living for extended periods.

Lastly, cannibalism among different species or even within individuals of the same species can affect life expectancy. Some young nymphs may end up eaten by other older nymphs or matured individuals, leading them to not survive beyond hatchlings.

It’s important to note that while these factors contribute significantly towards increased lifespans in captivity; no one factor can guarantee it – always general care should be taken into consideration for keeping any insect pet healthy and happy!

Now let’s take a look at some steps for increasing the lifespan of your pet mantid in captivity!

Steps for increasing the lifespan of a mantid in captivity

Step 1

Proper housing: The first step to increasing the lifespan of a mantid in captivity is to provide them with a suitable housing environment. This means providing enough space for them to move around, proper ventilation, and temperature control.

Step 2

Feeding: Mantids are carnivorous insects and need a diet rich in protein. In captivity, you can feed them live or pre-killed insects such as fruit flies, crickets, or mealworms. It’s important not to overfeed them as this can lead to obesity and health problems.

Step 3

Cleanliness: Keeping their living space clean is crucial for their health and wellbeing. Remove any uneaten food or debris from their enclosure every day and replace substrate regularly.

Step 4

Avoid Cannibalism: Some species of mantids are notorious cannibals especially during the nymph stage when they tend to be more aggressive towards each other. To avoid this behavior separate nymphs into individual containers until they mature into adults.

Step 5

Provide Mating Opportunities: Female mantids need mates for reproduction which helps increase their lifespan by keeping them active in hunting prey and laying eggs after mating.

Step 6

Limit Handling: Although it’s tempting to hold your pet praying mantis frequently avoid doing so as they are fragile creatures that can easily become stressed or injured if mishandled.

By following these steps, you can ensure your pet praying mantis lives a long, healthy life in captivity while also enjoying the benefits of having an interesting insect companion!

The Lifespan of different mantid species

Mantids, also known as praying mantises, are fascinating insects that come in a variety of species. Each species has its own unique lifespan.

The Praying Mantis (Mantis religiosa) is one of the most common mantid species and can live up to 1 year in the wild. The female lays her eggs in an ootheca, which she attaches to a branch or twig. The nymphs hatch from the egg case and molt several times before reaching adulthood.

The Chinese Mantis (Tenodera sinensis) is another popular mantid species that can also live up to 1 year in the wild. They go through multiple molts during their nymph stage before becoming adults.

On the other hand, the Orchid Mantis (Hymenopus coronatus) typically lives for only 6-8 months in captivity. This unique-looking mantis mimics orchids and relies on camouflage for survival.

Other mantid species, such as the Giant Asian Mantis (Hierodula membranacea), Ghost Mantis (Phyllocrania paradoxa), Dead Leaf Mantis (Deroplatys lobata), African Mantis (Sphodromantis lineola), Violin Mantis (Gongylus gongylodes), Shield Mantis (Choeradodis rhomboidea) and Carolina Mantis (Stagmomatis carolina) typically have lifespans ranging from 6 months to just over a year depending on various factors like diet, habitat etc.

In captivity, some larger species such as European Praying Mantises tend to have shorter lifespans compared to smaller ones because they require more space and food resources than others. However keeping them as pets still has many benefits such as helping get rid of pest insects around your home or garden while keeping you company!

As with any living creature’s lifespan though, there are some things you can do to increase the lifespan of your mantid. These include maintaining an appropriate habitat, providing a varied diet, and ensuring they have enough space to move around in.

Transition Paragraph: Now that we know about the different lifespans of mantids based on their species, let’s take a closer look at how long they can live in captivity.

Praying Mantis (Mantis religiosa)

Praying mantises are one of the most well-known and popular mantid species. They are known for their unique body shape, which resembles a praying posture, and their fierce predatory behavior. In the wild, they can be found all over the world in temperate and tropical regions.

During mating, female praying mantises may sometimes engage in cannibalism by eating their partner’s head. This behavior has contributed to their reputation as fearsome predators. After mating, female mantids will lay an ootheca (egg case) that will hatch into nymphs after several weeks.

As with all mantids, praying mantis nymphs undergo several molts before adulthood. During each molt, they shed their exoskeleton to grow larger until they reach maturity.

The lifespan of a praying mantis can vary depending on factors such as species and environment. In general, larger species tend to have longer lifespans than smaller ones. European Mantis (Mantis religiosa) live up to 6-8 months while Chinese Mantis (Tenodera sinensis) alive 6-12 months in the wild.

In captivity though, you might double those numbers if everything is done right!

Orchid Mantis (Hymenopus coronatus)

The Orchid Mantis is a unique type of praying mantis that is known for its beautiful and striking appearance. This species can be found in parts of Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand.

One of the most interesting things about this mantis is its ability to camouflage itself among flowers. Its body coloration resembles an orchid flower, allowing it to blend seamlessly into its surroundings and ambush unsuspecting prey.

In terms of lifespan, the Orchid Mantis has an average lifespan similar to other mantids – around 6 months to a year. However, it can live up to 2 years with proper care in captivity.

As mentioned earlier, factors such as diet and environment play a critical role in determining how long any individual mantid will live. In terms of diet, specifically for the Orchid Mantis species, they are primarily fed on fruit flies or small crickets.

Overall, if you’re looking for a unique pet that’s both fascinating and beautiful, keeping an Orchid Mantis could be worth your consideration!

Chinese Mantis (Tenodera sinensis)

The Chinese mantis, also known as Tenodera sinensis, is a large and impressive species of praying mantis. This species can grow up to 3-4 inches long, making it one of the larger species of mantids.

Like all praying mantids, the Chinese mantis goes through three stages in its life cycle: egg, nymph, and adult. The eggs are laid in an ootheca (egg case) which can contain up to 400 eggs. The nymphs hatch from the ootheca in late spring or early summer and molt several times before reaching adulthood.

Chinese mantids are known for cannibalistic tendencies towards prey and potential mates. In captivity, keeping only one Chinese mantid per enclosure is important to avoid any fights or accidental cannibalism.

In terms of lifespan, the Chinese Mantis typically lives for about six months as adults, but this may vary due to environmental factors such as temperature and humidity. When kept in captivity with proper care, they have lived up to a year.

Overall, the Chinese Mantis is a fascinating insect with unique characteristics that make them an attractive choice for those interested in keeping insects as pets or studying them closely.

Carolina Mantis (Stagmomantis carolina)

The Carolina Mantis is a native insect of North America and one of the most common mantid species found in the Eastern United States. They have a unique appearance with their slender green or brown bodies and long front legs used for catching prey.

During the nymph stage, they undergo several molts before reaching adulthood. The hatchling nymphs resemble miniature versions of adult mantids and grow rapidly as they feed on small insects like fruit flies. Once they reach adulthood, the female will lay an ootheca (egg case) containing hundreds of eggs that can hatch into praying mantis nymphs in the spring.

Carolina Mantids can live up to 12 months in captivity if provided with proper care and conditions. However, their lifespan can be shorter in wild environments where factors such as predation by larger species or harsh weather conditions may affect their survival.

Interestingly, female mantids are known for their cannibalistic behavior during mating; thus making them a fascinating study subject for entomologists worldwide. In addition to being fascinating creatures to observe and study, mantids also serve as natural pest control agents due to their predatory habits.

Giant Asian Mantis (Hierodula membranacea)

The Giant Asian Mantis, also known as the Giant Shield Mantis, is a fascinating mantis species with an average lifespan of around 8-10 months. The females are typically larger than males, measuring up to 12 centimeters in length.

This species is native to Southeast Asia and is often kept as a pet due to its unique physical appearance and interesting behavior. When threatened, the Giant Asian Mantis will display its wings and body in a threatening manner, making it appear larger and more intimidating.

Like all mantids, the Giant Asian Mantis goes through multiple stages in its life cycle, including egg, nymph, and adult stages (during which they molt several times). During mating season, female mantids will lay their eggs in an ootheca or egg case, which can contain up to 200 eggs.

While this species can be kept in captivity as pets, it’s important to provide them with proper care such as specific temperature/humidity requirements and appropriate prey items. As with other larger species of mantids, cannibalism can occur among younger individuals if given insufficient space or food.

Ghost Mantis (Phyllocrania paradoxa)

The Ghost Mantis is a beautiful species of praying mantis that originates from Madagascar. They are known for their unique coloration, with a white or light green body and brown or green markings. Like other mantids, they have a fascinating life cycle that includes three stages: egg, nymph, and adult.

During the egg stage, the female mantis will lay an ootheca (egg case) containing between 20 to 40 eggs. The eggs typically hatch within one to two months, depending on temperature and humidity conditions. As nymphs, Ghost Mantids go through several molts before reaching adulthood.

One interesting thing about this species is that they practice sexual cannibalism during mating. This means that the female may eat the male after or even during copulation! However, if successful in avoiding being eaten by its mate, a male Ghost Mantis can live up to eight months, while females can live up to one year.

In captivity, Ghost Mantids can be kept as pets and have been known to live longer than their wild counterparts due to proper nutrition and care. Ensuring they have enough space in their enclosure along with appropriate temperatures and humidity levels, can help extend their lifespan even further.

Transition: Now that we’ve explored the lifespan of this unique mantid species, let’s take a closer look at some factors that influence mantid lifespans in general.

Dead Leaf Mantis (Deroplatys lobata)

The Dead Leaf Mantis, also known as the Malaysian Dead Leaf Mantis, is a fascinating species of praying mantis. This insect gets its name from its incredible camouflage ability – it looks just like a dead leaf! They are native to Malaysia and Indonesia and are highly sought after by collectors due to their unique characteristics.

One interesting fact about the Dead Leaf Mantis is that females tend to be larger than males. The female can grow up to 2 inches in length while the male only reaches up to 1.5 inches. Like other mantid species, they go through an egg, nymph, and adult stage.

The nymphs will molt multiple times before reaching adulthood when they hatch from their ootheca (egg case). During this process, their exoskeleton will harden, and they may shed it all together in order to grow larger. However, cannibalism is common among mantids, so not all of them will make it to adulthood.

In captivity, Deroplatys lobata can live for up to a year or more with proper care. It’s important to provide them with a suitable environment where they can hide and hunt prey, such as fruit flies or crickets.

Overall, the lifespan of different mantid species varies greatly depending on various factors such as size and habitat, but regardless of its specific lifespan duration, one thing’s for sure; praying mantises are some of the most captivating insects out there!

African Mantis (Sphodromantis lineola)

The African Mantis is a fascinating species that can be found in many parts of Africa. Like other mantids, they have a unique life cycle that consists of three stages: egg, nymph, and adult. During the egg stage, female mantids lay eggs inside an ootheca (an egg case), which protects them from predators until they hatch.

Once hatched, the nymphs are very small and vulnerable to predation. They molt several times as they grow larger and shed their exoskeleton each time. This process allows them to harden their new exoskeleton, which is initially soft after molting.

As adults, African Mantises have long slender bodies with spiny legs ideal for easily catching prey like spiders or lizards. Their green coloration helps camouflage them in their surroundings while hunting or resting on leaves.

In captivity, African Mantids can live up to 12 months if well cared for. The lifespan of a praying mantis varies significantly based on factors such as species type and environmental conditions like temperature and humidity levels within their living space.

Overall, the African Mantis is a beautiful insect with a unique lifecycle worth studying!

Violin Mantis (Gongylus gongylodes)

The Violin Mantis is a fascinating species known for its unique appearance and behavior. This mantid has a lifespan of around 6-8 months and can grow up to 2 inches in length.

One interesting aspect of the Violin Mantis is its camouflage, which helps it blend into its environment. They are typically found on tree trunks or branches where they can easily catch their prey, which includes anything from insects to small lizards.

During mating season, female Violin Mantids will lay an ootheca containing up to 50 eggs. Once hatched, the nymphs will molt several times before reaching adulthood. It’s important to note that mantids are cannibalistic and may eat their siblings during this stage if food is scarce.

In captivity, the lifespan of a Violin Mantis can be extended with proper care and nutrition. Owners should provide a suitable habitat with plenty of space for the mantid to move around and hunt for food. Maintaining an appropriate temperature range and humidity level is also essential for their health.

Keep in mind that larger species of mantids, like the Giant Asian Mantis, may have longer lifespans than smaller ones like the Violin Mantis. Nonetheless, these fascinating insects are definitely worth learning more about!

Shield Mantis (Choeradodis rhomboidea)

The Shield Mantis is a relatively small mantid species, with females growing up to 4 cm and males growing up to 3 cm. They are known for their unique triangular-shaped head, which gives them a distinctive appearance.

Like other mantids, the Shield Mantis goes through three stages in its life cycle: egg, nymph, and adult. The eggs of this species are laid in an ootheca (an egg case) that can contain anywhere from 20-200 eggs. The nymphs will hatch after about 2-6 weeks and undergo several molts before adulthood.

One interesting characteristic of the Shield Mantis is that it has been observed exhibiting cannibalistic behavior. While this may seem disturbing to some people, it’s actually quite common among mantids and serves as a way for them to regulate their population size.

In captivity, the lifespan of a Shield Mantis can range from around 6-10 months, depending on various factors such as diet and habitat conditions. Keeping them as pets can be rewarding due to their unique appearance and behavior.

Final Thoughts 💭

Mantids are fascinating insects with a unique life cycle and lifespan. From the egg stage to the adult stage, they undergo multiple molts and shed their exoskeletons before becoming fully grown. Depending on the species, their lifespans can vary from a few months to a few years.

In captivity, mantids can live longer than in the wild due to factors such as access to food and protection from predators. However, it’s important to provide them with proper care and conditions for them to thrive.

Whether you’re interested in keeping mantids as pets or learning more about these amazing creatures, understanding their lifecycle and lifespan is essential.

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