
Bugs Beyond Imagination: Journey into the Realm of Exotic Insects

Do Mantises Drink Water? (Solved!)




Do Mantises Drink Water


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We all know the importance of staying hydrated, but have you ever wondered if mantises feel the same way? These fascinating insects are known for their unique appearance and impressive hunting abilities, but when it comes to water intake, do they drink like other creatures, or is there something special about their method?

In this post, we’ll delve into the world of mantises and explore whether or not these predators need to drink water. We’ll look at how they drink, and what else they consume besides water, and discuss ways to provide hydration for your pet mantis.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Mantises drink water through their mouths and skin, requiring a source of clean water for hydration.
  2. They can also obtain water from nectar and dew, but it should not replace their need for fresh water.
  3. Providing water through water bowls, mist sprays, or humidifiers is essential for the health and well-being of pet mantises.

What Do Mantises Drink?

Mantises are fascinating creatures, and their drinking habits are just as interesting. So, do mantises drink water? The short answer is yes – they do need to stay hydrated like any other living creature.

While mantises primarily get their hydration from their prey (which is often insects or spiders), they also have been known to drink water when it’s available. In fact, studies have shown that some species of mantis will actively seek out sources of water when they’re thirsty.

But how exactly do mantises drink? Let’s take a closer look at their drinking habits in the next section.

How Do Mantises Drink?

Mantises drink water in two ways: through their mouth and through their skin. They have specialized mouthparts that are adapted for drinking liquids. Mantises can also absorb moisture through small pores on their exoskeleton. However, the majority of water intake comes from drinking.

When mantises drink through their mouth, they typically do so by lapping up droplets of liquid with their tongue-like labium. This is similar to how cats drink water or how a dog licks up spilled milk from the floor (minus the cute factor). Mantises may also tilt their head back slightly when drinking to help move the liquid toward their mouth.

Drinking through the skin is a less common method but still an important one for mantises to maintain hydration levels in arid environments. The moisture absorbed by this method may come from dew, raindrops, or even humidity in the air.

Regardless of whether they’re drinking directly or absorbing it via the skin, mantises need a source of clean water to stay hydrated and healthy. So if you own a pet mantis, ensure you regularly provide them with fresh water!

Drinking Through the Mouth

Yes, mantises do drink water through their mouths. They have a specialized mouthpart called a labium that functions like a straw, allowing them to suck up liquid.

Mantises typically don’t need much water and can obtain most of it from their prey. However, in captivity or during dry spells in the wild, they may require additional sources of hydration.

If you keep mantises as pets, it’s important to provide them with fresh water on a regular basis. You can do this by placing a small water bowl in their enclosure or misting the plants and surfaces inside.

It’s also worth noting that not all species of mantis drink exclusively through their mouths. Some can absorb moisture through their skin or from other sources like nectar and dew. Providing a variety of hydration options for your pet mantis can help ensure its health and well-being.

Drinking Through the Skin

Believe it or not, mantises are capable of drinking water through their skin! This is particularly useful for them in the wild, where they may not always have access to standing water. They can absorb moisture from sources like morning dew or droplets on leaves.

Mantises have tiny pores on their exoskeletons called spiracles. These spiracles allow oxygen to enter the mantis’s body but also allow water to be absorbed into its system. The process of absorbing water through the skin is known as osmosis.

While drinking through the skin is a helpful adaptation for mantises in the wild, it’s important to note that captive pet mantises still need a source of standing water. Without proper hydration, pet mantises can suffer from dehydration and other health problems.

So while your pet mantis may enjoy sipping from a mist spray or licking up drops of water on leaves, make sure they also have access to a small bowl of fresh, clean water at all times.

How Much Water Do Mantises Need?

Mantises are relatively small creatures, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they don’t need a lot of water to survive. However, they still do need access to moisture in order to stay healthy. The amount of water mantises needs can vary depending on the species, age, and environment.

In general, adult mantises require less water than juveniles or hatchlings. This is because younger mantises are growing rapidly and expending more energy than adults. As such, they will consume more water and food.

The specific amount of water that each individual mantis needs can also depend on their activity level and the humidity levels in their environment. Mantises that are kept in particularly dry environments may require more frequent access to drinking water.

While the exact amount of water needed by each individual mantis can vary based on different factors – providing them with access to fresh, clean drinking water is essential for their health and wellbeing!

What Else Do Mantises Drink?

Apart from water, mantises also drink nectar and dew. Nectar is a sweet liquid produced by flowers and is rich in sugar which provides the mantis with energy. Mantises may also drink dew droplets that form on plants early in the morning.

Nectar and dew are more commonly consumed by adult mantises as they have developed wings to fly around in search of food and water sources. However, nymphs (baby mantises) may also consume these liquids if they have access to them.

It’s important to note that while nectar and dew can provide some hydration for mantises, they should never be used as a substitute for fresh water. Providing a steady source of clean drinking water should still be a priority when caring for pet or captive mantises.


Yes, mantises do drink nectar. In fact, they are attracted to the sweet smell of flowers and often feed on the nectar produced by them. Nectar is an important source of hydration for mantises, especially in areas where water sources are scarce.

While nectar provides some hydration for mantises, it’s not enough to meet all their water needs. Mantises still need access to fresh water to maintain proper hydration levels.

If you’re keeping a pet mantis, you can provide them with small drops of diluted honey or sugar water every few days as a supplement to their regular diet. However, be careful not to overfeed them as too much sugar can be harmful.

In addition to nectar and sugary drinks, wild mantises may also drink dew that collects on leaves or other surfaces early in the morning. Providing your pet mantis with fresh drinking water is essential for their overall health and well-being.


While mantises primarily get their hydration from the prey they consume, they can also drink water in different forms. One of these forms is dew.

Mantises are known to drink dew drops that form on leaves and other surfaces early in the morning. Since mantises are typically most active at dawn and dusk, this is a convenient time for them to hydrate themselves with dew.

Dew provides an additional source of hydration for mantises when prey isn’t available or during times of drought. However, it’s important to note that dew alone may not be sufficient for a mantis’s hydration needs.

In addition to drinking dew, some species of mantises are known to lap up moisture from other sources such as plant sap and nectar. It’s always best to provide multiple sources of hydration for your pet mantis through mist sprays or water bowls in case they have difficulty finding enough water on their own.

How To Provide Water For Mantises

Now that we know the importance of water for mantises, let’s explore some ways to provide them with hydration.

Water Bowls: One of the easiest and most common ways to offer water is by placing a shallow dish of water in their enclosure. Make sure it’s not too deep, as mantises can drown easily. You can also add a small rock or sponge in the bowl to give them something to climb on and prevent accidental drowning.

Mist Sprays: Another way is by misting their enclosure with water using a spray bottle. This method not only provides moisture but also helps maintain humidity levels for your mantis. It’s important not to overdo it though as too much moisture could lead to mold growth or other issues.

Humidifiers: For those who want a more automated approach, you can use a humidifier in their enclosure which will help maintain proper humidity levels while providing constant access to moisture.

In any case, always make sure the water source is clean and fresh by changing it regularly. And don’t forget about nectar and dew. These are alternative sources of hydration that should be included in their diet whenever possible.

Overall, providing adequate hydration is essential for your pet mantis’ health and wellbeing. Experiment with different methods until you find what works best for you and your little friend!

Water Bowls

If you’re looking to provide your mantis with water through a bowl, be sure to choose one that is shallow enough for them to access easily. A small dish or saucer will work well. It’s important to keep the water clean and fresh, changing it out every day or two.

However, some species of mantises may not recognize a water dish as a source of hydration. In this case, you can try misting their enclosure or using a humidifier to increase the overall moisture in the air.

It’s also important to note that not all mantises drink from bowls – some prefer to get their hydration from other sources like nectar or dew. So if you notice that your mantis isn’t using their water bowl, don’t worry too much! Just make sure they have access to other sources of moisture and continue monitoring their behavior.

In general, providing access to clean water is an important aspect of caring for your pet mantis. With a little bit of experimentation and observation, you’ll be able to find the best way to meet your individual mantis’ needs!

Mist Sprays

Mist sprays are another way to provide water for mantises. This method works well for species that prefer humidity, as the mist helps keep their environment moist. You can use a spray bottle filled with clean water to mist the enclosure once or twice a day, depending on the humidity needs of your mantis.

It’s important to make sure not to overdo it with the misting, as too much moisture can lead to mold or bacteria growth in the enclosure. Make sure any excess water is wiped away and kept clean.

In addition to providing hydration, mist sprays also help simulate natural environmental conditions for your mantis. As mentioned earlier, some species come from humid environments such as rainforests and require specific levels of humidity in order to thrive.

Overall, using mist sprays is a great option for mantis owners looking to provide hydration and maintain proper humidity levels in their enclosures.


Humidifiers are another great option for providing water to your mantis. Not only do they add moisture to the air, but they also provide a source of hydration for your pet. Using a humidifier can help prevent dehydration and keep your mantis healthy.

When using a humidifier, it’s important to choose one that is appropriate for the size of your enclosure. You don’t want to over-humidify the space, as this can lead to mold growth and other issues. It’s also important to monitor humidity levels regularly with a hygrometer.

In addition to providing water through bowls or mist sprays, combining these methods with a humidifier can create an optimal environment for mantises. Providing multiple sources of water ensures that your pet has access whenever it needs it.

Overall, while mantises do not typically drink water in the traditional sense like other animals do, providing them with water is still crucial for their health and well-being. Whether through bowls, mist sprays or humidifiers – maintaining proper hydration should always be considered when caring for these fascinating insects!

Do Mantises Drink Water? – FAQ

Do mantises need water to survive?

Yes, like most living organisms, mantises require water to survive. They get moisture from the food they consume and sometimes directly drink water from droplets or moist surfaces.

How do mantises drink water?

Mantises drink water by using their mouthparts to soak up water droplets or to sip water from wet surfaces. They can also absorb some moisture through their food.

How often do mantises drink water?

The frequency at which mantises drink water can vary based on factors like temperature, humidity, and their diet. In general, mantises will drink more often in hot or dry conditions.

Is it necessary to provide water for pet mantises?

Yes, it is important to provide water for pet mantises. You can lightly mist the enclosure with water every day or every other day to ensure that your mantis has access to water.

Final Thoughts

So, do mantises drink water? The answer is yes, they do! While they can get some moisture from their food and the environment around them, it’s important to provide them with a source of clean drinking water.

Whether you choose to use a water bowl, mist sprays, or humidifiers, make sure that your mantis has access to fresh water at all times. And don’t forget about other sources of hydration like nectar and dew!

By understanding how mantises drink and providing them with the right resources, you can help ensure that your pet mantis stays healthy and hydrated for years to come.

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